Dates of Conference:

February 27-28, 2011.
(Sunday & Monday)

About Me

Dasuya Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India
Department of English of JC DAV College Dasuya runs Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate classes. (Affiliated to Panjab University Chandigarh)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Registration Form

U.G.C. sponsored 2-Days National Conference on
“Re-Visiting the Fictional World of R.K. Narayan”
(February 27 & 28, 2011)

Name:   Mr./Ms./Prof._______________________________________________________
Designation:  ___________________________________________________________________
Institution:  ___________________________________________________________________
Address:    __________________________________________________________________
                    Distt.: ___________________  State: ___________________ PIN: ___________

Phone No.:   _________________  Mobile: ____________________  Fax: ________________
Email:    __________________________________________________________________

Participation as:    Paper Presenter/Delegate/Student Delegate:  _________________________

Date:  __________________                                     Signature:            ______________________

(For Paper-Presenters Only)

I __________________________ certify that the paper titled
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ is my original work and has not been submitted for publication/presentation anywhere else.

Date:  ___________________                                   Signature:   _______________________

Schedule of the Conference

U.G.C. Sponsored Two-Days National Conference on
‘Re-Visiting the Fictional World of R.K. Narayan’
(February 27 & 28, 2011)
Post Graduate Department of English, J.C. D.A.V. College, Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur (Pb)

DAY – I   (February 27, 2011)


9.30 AM –  10.30 AM


·       Inaugural Ceremony (Lighting of the Lamp by the Guests)
  • Floral Welcome of the Guests by Dr. Rajesh K. Mahajan, Principal & Conference Director
  • Introduction to the Conference  by  Mrs. Karuna Sharma, HOD English & Conference Convener
·       Inaugural Address by the Guest of Honour Sh. G.K. Chatrath, Fellow, Panjab University Chandigarh
10:30 AM – 10:35 AM

10.35 AM – 10.40 AM

10:40 AM – 11:50 AM

10:50 AM – 11:00 AM
  • Keynote Address by Prof. Rana Nayar, Chairman, Department of English, Panjab University Chandigarh
  • Vote of Thanks by  Dr. Rajesh K. Mahajan, Principal & Conference Director

Chairperson:-  Prof. V.P. Sharma, Department of English, HPU Shimla
  • Presentation of Papers By:- 1. Mr. Dhananjay Tripathi; 2. Mr. Saquib Arbar; 3. Ms. Kusum Kundu; 4. Dr. Rakesh Mohan Sharma; 5. Ms. Gitanjali Mahendra; 6. Mr. Jaspal Singh; 7. Ms. Gagneet Kaur;
8. Ms. Balraj Kaur

Chairperson: Prof. Parminder Singh, Chairman, Department of English,     GNDU Amritsar
  • Presentation of Papers By: 1. Mr. Raju Parghi; 2. Mr. Javaid Ahmad; 3. Dr. Rashmi Gupta; 4. Ms. Priyanka Vaidya; 5. Mr. Ravi Dubey;
6. Ms. Kawalpreet Kaur; 7.Dr. Rattan Singh

11.00 AM – 11.30 AM

11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
11:40 AM – 12:00 PM

12:00 PM – 02:00 PM

02:00 PM – 02:45 PM

02:45 PM – 04:45 PM
DAY – II   (February 28, 2011)

Chairperson: Dr. Anand Balwant Patil, Former Chairman,  Department of English, Goa University, Goa
  • Presentation of Papers By: 1. Dr. Ch. A. Rajinder Prasad; 2. Mr. Pradeep Gawande; 3. Ms.Neha Thapar; 4. Dr. Bhaskar Roy Barman;
5. Mr. Jubin Alex; 6. Dr. Harcharan Singh Arora; 7. Mr. Yakiah Kathy



10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

12:30 PM – 01:30 PM

01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
·       Floral Welcome of the Guests by Dr. Rajesh K. Mahajan, Principal
·       Valedictory Address by Prof. GJV Prasad,
Chairman, Department of English, JNU New Delhi.
·       Conference Proceedings & Vote of Thanks by Dr. Vinay Kumar, Co-Organizing Secretary
·       Award of Certificates to the Paper-Presenters



Confernce Souvenir

Friday, December 17, 2010

UGC Sponsored 2-Days National Conference on R.K. Narayan

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Brochure - 2  

JC DAV College Dasuya
Happily announces
U.G.C. sponsored
Two-Days National Conference
“Re-Visiting the Fictional World of R.K. Narayan”
(February 27-28, 2011)

About the City:

Dasuya (31.82°N 75.66°E & 787 ft above sea-level), a tehsil-town in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, is well connected by road, rail and air. The nearest airports are Amritsar and Chandigarh. It is situated on Delhi-Srinagar National Highway and Delhi-Jammu Railway Line, and thus, is well connected with all parts of the country. There are regular, round-the-clock bus/rail services to New Delhi.
This ancient town is famous for its historical background. It was known as Virat Nagar in the Mahabharata reign and the Pandavas spent last one year of their exile here. The Pandava Sarovar in the town is highly revered by the Hindus  and other communities as well and occupies a prominent place in historical and mythological annals of India. The weather in February-March is pleasant and the temperature varies from 200C to 300C.

College/Department Profile:
Jagdish Chandra D.A.V. College Dasuya was once the auspicious dream of Arya Samaj, Dasuya. The college was established in 1971 when Pt. Jagdish Chandra Sharma contributed his might and material for the establishment of this great seat of learning. After merging in the D.A.V. Ocean in 1975, the college has been enunciating the gospels of Swami Dayanand and has been imparting the code of discipline and morality to the students. Now, it stands at the apex by the virtue of its being the largest Arts, Science, Commerce and Computer Education College in the region. It is a place where one can learn, interact, grow and discover; where excellence, creativity and innovation form the bottom line; where merit is honoured and commitment is rewarded. Apart from regular B.A., B.Sc. and B. Com. classes, the college also runs B.Sc. in Bio-Technology and Computer Science, B.C.A., M.Sc. in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology and Computer Science, and M.A. in English. Every year, many students are placed in University Merit Lists. The brilliant performance of students in extra-mural activities and scintillating performances in sports have given the college a glorious and illustrious identity of its own.
The Under-Graduate Department of English has been functional since the establishment of the college and the Post-Graduate Department of English was established in 2005 and the results of U.G. and P.G. classes so far have been outstanding.

Theme of the Conference:

Indian English novel has achieved a significant position in the works of R. K. Narayan. Narayan’s fictional world, Malgudi, presents an essential and peculiar picture of Indian society or towns. He has an ability to make South Indian life accessible to people all over India. Malgudi is central to this achievement which we find peopled with ordinary men and women. In fact, the town presents a microcosm of India. It is full of humanity and grows, develops, expands and changes with every work of Narayan, as he never attempts to come out of this landscape. It is this quality of his fictional world which has always attracted the critics and the scholars to re-visit and re-explore it.

Aims & Objectives:

The aim of this conference is to re-visit the fictional world of R. K. Narayan and to enable the participants to demonstrate a critical understanding of and an appreciation for the fictional world of Narayan through the analysis of his literary works. It will not only enable the participants to identify modern and post-modern concepts in Narayan’s novels and short-stories but will also enable them to support their view by giving illustrations from the text. It is an attempt not only to explore a new concept/idea in his works, but also to provide a platform for the students of post-graduate classes and to the research scholars who wish to make research on R. K. Narayan.

The educational objectives of the conference will be – to develop a critical approach among the students of literature; to make them familiar with literary criticism in a practical way; and to develop analytic, evaluative and synthesis skills which are the essentials of critical thinking. The conference will make them aware that literature offers many possible interpretations.


The Folk and the Rustics in RKN
The scope of history in Narayan’s Fiction
The oriental/cultural approach to RKN
Caste and Religion in RKN
Love and Marriage in RKN
Indian Myths in RKN
Colonial/Post-colonial/ Experience in RKN.
Comparative study of his one novel with a Punjabi novel

Re-evaluation of RKN's form and technique
The international literary inter-textuality in RKN’s novel
RKN and formalism/structuralism/post-structuralism

Broadly, the topic covers all Re-evaluations and Re-readings of all the works (fictional and non-fictional) of R. K. Narayan.

Submission of Abstracts & Papers:

An abstract of the research paper along with the name, designation, full official and correspondence address, e-mail, contact number and a latest passport size photograph (scanned if sending e-copy) of the author(s) should be submitted to the Organising Committee, preferably by e-mail, by January 30, 2011.

The last dates for the submission of research papers are:
By e-mail:     February 10, 2011 to
By Post:        February 15, 2011 to the Organizing Secretary

A certificate with signature and seal certifying that the research paper is original and has not been published anywhere else should also be submitted with the paper.

Required Style Sheet :- 
Font Style – Times New Roman, Font Size – 12 (for Title 14 and Bold) , Line Spacing – 1.5 and 1 inch margin on all sides. A list of works cited (if any) should also be attached.


Registration Fee:
Delegates:                                          Rs. 250.00
Accompanying Member:                  Rs. 100.00
Student Delegates:                            Rs. 100.00

Accommodation Charges:
Rs. 200.00 per day, per head.
Accompanying Member: Rs. 400/- per head per day.

All D.D.s are to be drawn in favour of Principal, JC DAV College Dasuya, payable at Dasuya.

Important Note:

1.      T.A./D.A. is permissible as per availability of funds.
2.      The paper presenters will be paid Second Class AC (3-Tier) Train Fare by the shortest railway route to Dasuya.  No T.A./D.A. is admissible for participants as delegates.
3.      Kindly send the Registration Form with registration and accommodation charges well in time so that necessary arrangements can be made.
4.      Xerox copies of Registration Form can also be used.
5.      Spot registration for participants as delegates can be made before inaugural function by paying an additional amount of Rs. 50.00 only.
6.      Details of the accompanying members is to be sent along with the registration form.

Organizing Committee:

Chief Patron
Padam Shri Padam Bhushan Sh. G. B. Chopra, President, DAV CMC, New Delhi
Sh. M. L. Aeri, Director (Colleges) DAV CMC New Delhi
Conference Director
Dr. Rajesh Mahajan, Principal
Mrs. Karuna Sharma, Head, Department of English
Organizing Secretary
Mr. Amandeep Rana
Co-organizing Secretary
Dr. Vinay kumar
Dr. Gurmeet Singh
Mr. Rakesh Mahajan
Mr. Kamal Kishore
Mr. Onkar Singh
Mr. Bhanu Gupta
Mr. Amit Sharma
Mr. Deepak Kumar
Mrs. Tnu Mahajan
Mrs. Anjana Kharbanda

Contact Us:

JC DAV College
Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur. Punjab
Ph. 01883-286600, 286700  Fax: 01883-286600

Organising Secretary:
Mr. Amandeep Rana
Ph. +91 9815 94 5858

The details of the conference are also available on

Event Webpage: